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HomeBlogBenefits of Mineral Sunscreen for Sun-Damaged Skin

This study explored mineral sunscreen moisturizer and its effects on improving “photodamage” (sunspots, pigmentation, wrinkles) in women of all skin types. For those of you with no attention span, the take home message is this: researchers saw a “23.4% improvement in overall photodamage in Fitzpatrick skin types I-III and 26.5% for Fitpatrick skin types IV to VI after 12 weeks of applying it to the sun and neck every morning. ” The study was published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, June 2024 and entitled,“Effects of a Sheer 100% Mineral Sunscreen Moisturizer on Facial Photodamage Across Fitzpatrick Skin Types.” 

What are the Details of the Study?

  • 40 patients, aged 35-60
  • Moderate to severe overall facial photodamage
  • All Fitzpatrick skin types were recruited
  • They applied the mineral sunscreen to the face and neck in the morning
  • Evaluation was done by photography, ultrasound imaging, corneometer measurements, and questionnaires at each month.

What Were the Results of the Study?

  • Statistically significant progressive improvements were seen from baseline to week 12
  • At week 12, 23.4% improvement in Fitz 1-II, and 26.5% improvement in Fitz IV-VI
  • Photography-corroborated clinical grading
  • Ultrasound imaging showed a trend in skin density improvement

Our thoughts?

We love mineral sunscreen. We think it is an important daily preventative step to avoid aging, pigmentation, and wrinkles caused by sun damage. We know UV radiation causes production of free radicals, damages the skin DNA, causes redness and pigmentation, and damages collagen and elastin.

We like mineral sunscreen because it provides a physical barrier against this UV damage. Mineral sunscreen also reflects rays off the skin. They are also perceived as safer, as chemical sunscreens may have absorption through the skin.

How Can Biohackr Health Help?

  • Buy our sunscreen! See our store. It is a mineral sunscreen, has a light tint, and has antioxidants.
  • Niacinamide is known to help with pigmentation, wrinkles, and is a powerful antioxidant. It helps actually reduce the rate of skin cancers.
  • Retinol is the workhorse of skin improvement and has been so for decades. It should be part of every regimen (unless you are babymaking).
  • Vit-C serum. This is a great antioxidant, and works in conjunction with sunscreen to help potentiate its action.
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