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HomeBlogMale and Female Hair Loss: Causes and Treatments

Hair thinning sucks. Not all hair thinning is not caused by the same thing, so treatments may vary. Hair thinning tends to happen gradually, so fixing it happens gradually too. The causes of hair thinning are not just one thing, so no one magic treatment will fix it, which is frustrating.

There are multiple causes. The fixes are slow. So where should you start?

First, start early. When you feel your hair thinning, you should get on it. How do you know your hair is thinner? Your part gets wider. Your ponytail is less full.  Your hair feels thinner. Your hairline recedes. It is normal to shed hair daily. If you feel a bulb at the end of your hair, that means your hair is meant to shed (i.e. it isn’t breakage of the hair). Treatments cannot reverse lost hair, but they may be able to slow the progression of hair thinning. The hair shafts sometimes thin, and many treatments are available to thicken the hair as well.

Second, do labs.  Do you have low iron? That is a common nutritional deficiency which triggers hair loss. Vitamin B12 or Vitamin D deficiency are other common causes of hair loss. Any other micronutrient issues? Thyroid issues can lead to hair loss.

Third, figure out what kind of hair loss you have.

What are the Different Types of Hair Loss?

  1. Scarring alopecia: Not as common. This is when your body has a reaction that causes scarring of the hair follicle. This prevents hair growth. It can be caused by allergy, injury, or other issues causing inflammation. Inflammation leads to scars –>the hair follicle is destroyed, and permanent hair loss occurs.
  2. Non-scarring alopecia
    1. Androgenetic alopecia. **** This is commonly the cause. This is “male pattern” or “female pattern” baldness. For men, this is seen as thinning of the crown or a receding hairline; for women, this is seen as a wider hair part or a thinner ponytail. This is due to genetics and a family history of baldness. It is also associated with male sex hormones called androgens, known as “DHT.”
      1. FOR MEN: It is usually seen starting in your 30s and 40s. It is common, affecting 20% of men in their 20s and 50% of men in their 40s.  It usually starts at the hairline on the front of your head. Hair becomes finer, shorter, and thinner over time. Common treatments focus on reducing DHT production (like finasteride) and minoxidil, which helps improve blood flow to the scalp. A very effective treatment is using PRP injections on the scalp to stimulate hair growth.
      2. FOR WOMEN: It is the most common type of hair loss for women, mostly noticed after menopause.  It can be seen as diffuse hair thinning. Treatments for women include minoxidil and PRP like for men, but it also includes hormone replacement therapy.
    2. Telogen Effluvium: This is a reversible condition. This happens when you have a stress, and 3 to 6 months later you lose your hair. The stressor can be surgery, trauma, high fever, chronic illness, COVID, or stress. Unlike androgenetic alopecia, you see diffuse thinning all over. It usually resolves on its own, but you can use minoxidil and supplements to help recover faster.
    3. Alopecia areata: This is sudden hair loss, frequently with circular bald patches. It is an immune reaction, where your immune system attacks the hair follicles. This is associated with exclamation point hairs, pitted nails, and a history of periodic regrowth. It is treated with steroids, anti-inflammatories, and increased blood flow.

How Can Biohackr Health Help?

We are on this. Hair thinning is a focus of our clinic.

  • TESTING. Vitamins, micronutrients, hormones, and thyroid. Start here to figure out if that is a root cause.
  • SUPPLEMENTS. We have an affordable oral supplement which includes nutrients and vitamins, which have been proven to help with hair regrowth. This can be found in our clinic and our online store.
  • HORMONES. For menopausal women, hormone replacement can be super helpful.
  • DHT blockers. Finasteride is an important ingredient to help with androgenetic alopecia for many.
  • MINOXIDIL. We have a special shampoo, conditioner, and topical minoxidil serum available for purchase in the clinic. Minoxidil is scientifically proven to be effective for men and women struggling with hair growth. We like our serum as it isn’t a foam, so you don’t have to rewash and style your hair daily. Again available in our clinic and online store.
  • PRP. We do microneedling with PRP for hair treatments. Again, good science behind this.
  • EXOSOMES. This is a newer focus, but many indications are that these stem cells may help with hair growth.
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