Biohackr Benchmark
How do we OPTIMIZE YOU? Every person is different. This is ideal for people ages 40-65 to get a deep understanding of your risks for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hormone issues, and nutrient deficiencies so you can treat issues now, understand your most likely risks, and implement prevention. Instead of reacting to issues, we want to reverse and be proactive. This is the key to biohacking.
This is our Benchmark comprehensive baseline evaluation, including all the tests listed below and baseline anti aging treatment with NAD+ and Glutathione. It is extensive. Cost is $7750 for the program. Similar programs can cost over $50-100K. We have lowered that price to make it accessible to more people.
- How do your genetics, diet, bloodwork, and exercise interact to affect how you age?
- Is your biologic age younger or older than your birth age?
- Are you at higher risk for cancer?
- Are you deficient in a vitamin? Hormone?
- What is your cardiac risk?
- Are you insulin resistant? At risk for diabetes?
- What is your body composition?
As you age, your telomeres shorten and mitochondria (the powerhouse of each cell in every part of your body) become less efficient. This leads to cellular damage and what is called “cell senescence,” which you see as aging. Biohacking takes a whole body approach at the base cellular level to improve you. By addressing and optimizing micronutrients, hormones, telomere length, mitochondrial function, insulin resistance, and more, you will see and feel the improvement globally- brain, muscles and joints, heart, skin and hair, and sexual health.
The future of health care is individualized. Preventative. New therapies.

What is the biologic age of your cells? As you age you accumulate defects in your cells, which can inhibit cell turnover and function. How can you measure it?
Telomeres are genetic material at the end of chromosomes. They function to prevent chromosomal shortening and “fraying” when a cell replicates. As cells age, telomeres shorten. Eventually they become too short to allow cells to replicate, so the cell stops dividing and will eventually die, which is a normal biologic process. This test allows us to determine the length of your telomeres in relation to your birth age. Many of our anti-aging treatments focus on maintaining telomere length.

Do you already have a cancer brewing? This is an important thing to know before doing some of the biohacking treatments, as you don’t want to help cancers grow.
This is a blood test to look for DNA of cancer in your blood. It can detect over 50 types of cancer. Most people only do routine screening for 5 most common types of cancer, but 71% of cancer deaths per year are caused by cancers not commonly screened for like pancreatic, colorectal, and prostate. It has a low false positive and low false negative rate. This is also good to screen to make sure you are cancer free before treatments which improve telomere length. For a list of cancers tested, click The 50+ Cancers with a Shared Signal Detected by the Galleri Test.

What is your risk for cancer? Many people have heard of BRCA for breast cancer risk. For those with the BRCA gene, their risk for breast cancer is 50-80%.
But BRCA isn’t the only genetic marker you can screen for.
This test screens for over 40 genes associated with increased risk for hereditary cancers, including APC, ATM, AXIN2, BAP1, BARD1, BMPR1A, BRCA1, BRCA2, BRIP1, CDH1, CDK4, CDKN2A, CHEK2, EPCAM, GALNT12, GREM1, HOXB13, MEN1, MITF, MLH1, MSH2, MSH3, MSH6, MUTYH, NBN, NF1, NTHL1, PALB2, PMS2, POLD1, POLE, PTEN, RAD51C, RAD51D, RNF43, RPS20, SMAD4, STK11, TP53, VHL

Hormone Analysis
As you age, your hormone levels change, which affects everything from skin quality, hair, muscle, weight, and brain function, to libido and sexual function. This is a blood test collected at Biohackr Health.
- DHEA sulfate
- LH
Please see our page on sex for detailed discussion of treatments. HORMONES
Metabolic Analysis & COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT
This is a general blood test to look at:
- Liver function
- Renal (kidney) function
- Electrolytes
- Hematocrit
- White blood cell
- Platelets

Advanced lipid profile & Diabetes risk
What is your heart attack risk? Do you have high cholesterol? A strong family history of stroke or heart attacks?
Genetics plays a strong role here, as does diet, exercise, and aging.
Not only do we look at HDL good cholesterol and LDL bad cholesterol, but we also measure Apo (a) Apolipoprotein A is a protein carried in HDL (“good”) cholesterol which helps start the process for HDL to remove bad types of cholesterol from your body. and Apo (b),This is related to LDL the “bad” cholesterol. This may be a better predictor of heart disease risk than HDL/LDL ratio LP (a), This cholesterol is like LDL and can build up in the walls of your blood vessels and homocysteine (high levels increase your risk for dementia, heart disease and stroke)..
What is your diabetes risk? Hemoglobin A1C is a measurement of your average blood sugar readings over the past 3 months. A higher reading on this can indicate risk for diabetes. We also look at insulin resistance and other diabetes parameters.
Lowering blood sugar is thought to be protective to the heart, brain, inflammation, and lower the risk of cancer.
Treatments can include some IVs, improving weight and muscle, and metformin.

What is your risk of a heart attack? Do you have atherosclerosis already in your arteries? For those with family history, smoking or vaping history, high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol, you are at risk for heart disease.
(Stanford University Hospital) Coronary artery calcium scoring from CTs are used to assess risk of cardiovascular disease, which continues to be the leading avoidable cause of mortality in the US. Vascular calcification is associated with atherosclerotic disease. This helps identify those at higher risk, so we can intervene with diet, exercise, and medications.

How are you doing with maintaining muscle mass? As you age, you need to focus not just on cardio but on building and maintaining muscle.
Are you doing weight loss? Make sure the weight you are losing is fat, not muscle.
This test measures your body composition using bioelectrical impedance analysis to figure out your unique body composition. BMI is not a good predictor of overall body health. The bigger picture involves looking at total body water weight, lean muscle mass, and fat. This helps you tailor diet and exercise to optimize your body composition and monitor your progress.

The Biohackr Benchmark program includes a 3 month baseline treatment for anti-aging with NAD+ and glutathione.
- NAD+ 500 mg and GLUTATHIONE 1000mg administered weekly for 3 weeks, then every other week for a total of 7 treatments. (Allow 2 hours for infusion)
- IVs monthly selected for your individual needs

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