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HomeBlogTop Signs of Sleep Apnea: Take Our Sleep Apnea Screening Test
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Sleep is important. Not only does it help prevent weight gain and dementia, it’s listed in almost every “how-to-live-longer” list. If you are overweight, you are at a higher risk of sleep apnea; however, even those who are thin can have it, particularly if they have a small jawline. What is the screening test?

Sleep Apnea Screening Test

It is called the STOP BANG test:

  • S = SNORING. Do you snore loudly? Can it be heard through closed doors or over talking?
  • T = TIRED. Do you wake up feeling tired? Are you sleepy during the day? That is an indication you aren’t getting restful sleep.
  • O = OBSERVED. Has anyone told you that you stopped breathing while you slept?
  • P = PRESSURE.  Do you have high blood pressure?
  • B = BMI. A BMI over 35 is considered obese, and has a higher risk of developing sleep apnea.
  • A = AGE. If you’re over the age of 50, you get a point.
  • N = NECK. Is your neck thicker? A neck over 40cm is considered a point.
  • G = GENDER. Sorry boys, but being male gets you a point.

TOTAL YOUR SCORE. If you have a score over 5, you have a high chance of having sleep apnea. It is good for you to see a sleep specialist who can do a sleep study to help evaluate your risk. You may need a CPAP machine or other support.

How Can Biohackr Health Help?

If your issue is weight, we can help you with weight loss. Particularly for those with a BMI over 30, weight loss has been shown to help in multiple areas: heart disease, diabetes risk, dementia, and sleep.

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