Blood sugar testing
Many feel that diabetes is the root cause of all disease- dementia, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You hear the buzz word “inflammation” used widely now, and many think inflammation is a root cause of these issues above. High blood sugar is inflammatory. Why do people get diabetes?
- Genetics. Have a parent with diabetes? You are at risk.
- Weight. Many people develop Type 2 diabetes who are overweight.
- Diet. Processed foods, high carbohydrates without proteins and fats, and sugary drinks put you at higher risk.
- Activity. General activity should be 150-300 minutes/week. Walking for 5 minutes after a meal has been shown to decrease blood sugar rise.
- Aging. Rates of diabetes go up with age, particularly post menopausal women and men over the age of 50.
This is an area where you can reverse risk. First you need to find out if you are prediabetic or diabetic. HbA1c indicates your average glucose levels over the past 3 months. If your HbA1c is 5.6 or above, we strongly recommend doing a continuous glucose monitor to find out your pattern, what spikes you, and how interventions like our probiotic, building muscle, diet changes, and exercise affect you.

Blood sugar and insulin resistance are a key focus of antiaging and healthspan. We have an incredible number of science blogs on studies showing the importance of lowering blood sugar, and not just to avoid diabetes. Please read our volumes of scientific blogs on insulin resistance and blood sugar. The science is compelling. Blood sugar blogs
The GLP 1 agonists like semaglutide and tirzepatide are incredible with helping blood sugar control. Studies on these medications have shown improvements in:
- dementia rates and progression
- heart disease and heart failure
- fatty liver
- kidney disease
- asthma
- diabetes
- sleep apnea
- osteoarthritis
That has raised even more questions about blood sugar and how to optimize it.
We go past just resting glucose and HbA1c
- fasting glucose
- HbA1c
- insulin
- triglycerides
Continuous Glucose Monitor
This is a simple “button” you wear on your arm for two weeks. It measures the glucose level in your tissue, connecting with an app so you can see what food and activity do to your blood sugar levels. It is great for those with HbA1c over 5, and for those over 5.7 who are prediabetic, it is a must.