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HomeBiohackr ServicesDiagnostic TestingHEART HEALTH TESTING


Heart health is perhaps one of the only major aging issues where you can actually reverse damage. To do this, you want to limit inflammation, glucose, and cholesterol. There are some genetic predispositions. Activity levels and diet are also important. For those at higher risk, being in the “normal” range may not be adequate- being in the low normal range may lower or reverse risk.

What is your risk? We have a blogs for heart health heart science blogs, and specifically one to evaluate risk. For a sample cardiac risk calculator from the American Heart Association, click calculator. Cardiac risk calculators look at things like family history (father with stroke/heart disease before age 55, mom with disease before age 65), smoking, high blood pressure, weight, diabetes, cholesterol levels, and activity.

  • Labwork shows you levels of inflammation, blood sugar, and cholesterol.
  • Continuous glucose monitors help you find what foods are better for YOU if you are pre diabetic. It illustrates if interventions like exercise, probiotics, and medications are helping, so you can adjust what you do.
  • Scans show calcification of your arteries. The heart arteries are a window to what is going on in arteries throughout the body.
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